Postnatal Support and Advice

Once you and your baby leave the hospital or a birthing centre, it is an obligation that a midwife comes to see you and your baby at home within 24 hours. The hospital will ask you if you already have a midwife to do the postnatal follow ups for you and baby at home. If you have not found anyone the hospital will provide one for you. It is always better to find someone before baby is born so you can chose your midwife.
The early days and weeks with a new baby can be one of the most rewarding but also the most challenging of times. There are suddenly so many changes this new little person brought into your life, including new things to do and learn and questions to find answers to. It is the time when support, understanding, and help are essential.
I have had 15 years of experience as a midwife with new mothers and their newborn babies in a community setting as well as hospital. After the first home visit there are subsequent routine visits which should be arranged with you depending on yours and your baby's needs. The purpose of midwife visits and appointments are to ensure that you and your baby are both ok emotionally and physicaly, including support with feeding and caring for your baby.
If you have a basic LaMal Swiss insurance your insurance will cover 100% up to 10 postnatal visits (16 if it is your first baby, premature baby or baby was born by a Caesarean section) unto the first 56 days of baby's life. International insurances also cover my fees, but you need to check with your provider how many visits they will covered.
Postnatal visits include:
For Mum:
Assessing your health and mental wellbeing
Making sure that you are recovering well after the birth of your baby
Screening for PET
Debriefing after birth
Perineal check (if stitches or episiotomy were required)
Removing stitches or staples after Caesarean Section
Teach you how to perform pelvic floor exercise
Discuss diet and exercise​
Advice on contraception and sex after having a baby
Checking for signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Advice on medication and breastfeeding
Advice on prevention of infection
Screening for postnatal depression
For Baby:
Assessing baby’s health and vital signs including jaundice levels (blood test)
Newborn screening blood test (Guthrie test)
Checking for any abnormalities or signs of infection
Assessing feeding
Weighing baby
Cord check
Advice on swaddling, bathing, cord care, nappy changing, carrying baby
Demonstration on how to prepare a bottle
Teach you how to hand express and use pump
Advice on safe sleeping with baby (prevention of SIDS)
Responsive feeding
Checking latch
Answer any of your questions backed up by the latest research​
Additionally, as a lactation consultant, I can help you resolve breastfeeding issues and help with positioning and attachment. For more complex feeding issues please go to

Postnatal Visit and Advice Home Visit
A home visit for you and your baby.
Your basic Swiss LaMal insurance will reimburse you 100% for 10 postnatal visits and up to 16 visits if it is your first baby, baby was born prematurely or you had a Caesarean Section. Your are also entitled to 3 visits by an IBCLC.
For breastfeeding complications please refer to a